
Not Your Plaything (NYP) was founded by Amy Lynn Burch in April of 2008 as an extension of her work as a public education entity regarding child-related crimes as well as crimes against women, and exploding the myths regarding sexual crimes against men. Although willing to offer her expertise and assistance to other organizations in the past, Ms. Burch now devotes her time, skills, and knowledge solely to her own professional pursuits and public awareness entities.

Not Your Plaything (NYP) is dedicated to educating the general public regarding current verified missing children cases, crimes against children and the trends associated therein, and profiling known sex offenders and/or child abusers. NYP also deals with educating the public regarding abuse against women, however; not to the exclusion of violence perpetrated by women toward men.  Although most heinous abusive sexual acts, as well as domestic violence is perpetrated man-to-woman or man-to-child, NYP recognizes that women are not excluded from perpetrating acts of violence particularly toward children.

Occasionally the page owner may choose to profile cases not specifically related to crimes against children and reserves the right to modify the page content in order to highlight ongoing criminal activity regardless of the victim’s age and/or gender. Ultimately, this page is dedicated to the capture of those who willfully harm the innocent, whoever they might be.

© Amy Lynn Burch 2008 – 2020
All Rights Reserved
No part of this work or webpage or any of its content(s) may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author, unless otherwise indicated by the author for stand-alone materials.

13 thoughts on “About”

  1. Wondering said:

    Just wondering what your credentials are. Not seeing a bio on here. Have I missed it?

    • Any particular reason why you are using a disposable email service and intentionally hiding your identity? Never mind. I already have the answer to that. Just so you are aware in case you missed the information the first time, I do not respond to those who hide their identities behind obscure names and fake email addresses. I am responding to you now just in case you were not clearly aware of that fact before you chose to hide your information. When you can engage me with your true identity, then I’ll be happy to talk with you.

  2. Thanks.

    This is what am being subjected to for last 4 years by my wife.

    And just since 3 weeks I have started dis engaging.

    Yes- a high energy cost and monetary cost.

    The moment she goes in this mode- I dont participate and I walk out come after a day or two.

    And my eyes have opened….so I after on off distance dis engaged I started reading ….and I came to your site.


  3. Erin Hightower said:

    Hi Amy, If possible, would you please contact me at the email I entered. I am working on my dissertation in clinical psychology and would like to discuss your blog Ambient Abuse: The Gaslight Effect and the Diabolical Personality. Thank you and I hope to speak with you soon. ~Erin Hightower, LMHC

  4. Hi Amy,

    I’d love to speak with you about a television project. Would you be willing to email me to further discuss? Thanks and looking forward to speaking soon.

    • Erika,

      Thank you for the inquiry. My schedule is very busy today; however, I am willing to email as time permits. I have or email address and will contact you shortly.

      Best Regards,

  5. Thank you for the hard work, and your beautiful blog. It’s an eye opener to me.

  6. Hello,

    I may have written to you before. I wanted to ask of I can use your article on Alexandria Hannalore Goddard within my presentation to Two US Judges and possibly other Law Enforcement. Thank-You Alexandra Koukounakis

    • Thank you for contacting me. I apologize. I wasn’t aware that you had contacted me before. I am not often on this site very much anymore unless I get a notification. Yes, you may use the article to present to two US judges and other law enforcement. Please keep me updated as things progress. I would be interested to know the circumstances of the presentation and the outcome.
      Kind Regards,

      • I am not sure if my comment is public but it would probably be better for it to be deleted if it is.

        I will be happy to send you some information or previous materials already presented to various LE agencies.

        Can I get a direct email from you? Would you want to have a phone conversation with me before I send more material? I have some very specific questions that not many can answer and I think you can answer the questions.

        Thanks for the prompt response.

        Thanks Alexandra Koukounakis

      • I wrote the article below under InfiltratedbyTruth. I don’t think I included Goddard in the article purposely, Picazio’s best friend, this because of Goddard’s bending the court to her will, hopefully that will be rectified at some point.


        Holmseth, Investigative Journalist writes about me here:

        With a good conscious I can’t just add your article without you understanding potential ramifications from this group. I am not sure how much you know about Goddard outside of your article.

        It appears Anonymous was working with her from the get go, that is my number one question, were they? If so is there proof she knew Anonymous hacker members before the Stubenville incident? This would be a significant finding for me.

        Your entire article corroborates much of what I am writing to the courts but this is part of a much larger situation. Goddard’s possible connection to Snuff Films being a small segment within the situation. Definitely National Security and this is definitely coming to light.

        I can reference your article without providing the source or I can use it, again I would feel more comfortable if you knew what you were getting into 🙂
        I only ask for you to delete the comment for your safety not mine and it’s not the best strategy to provide my enemy my intentions especially before I do something.

        I hope this additional infomation is helpful and any contribution above and beyond what you have already done would be helpful, not necessary but helpful.

        Thanks, Alexandra Koukounakis

      • My only experience with Goddard was as a result of her involvement with a former mutual friend at the time, Joey Ortega. He had a podcast back when podcasting was relatively new, and Goddard “worked” with him on that podcast. They covered true crime, cold cases, and emerging cases which were of interest to me because I was and still am an investigator. They began covering the Steubenville rape case and I was supportive until it became clear to me that Goddard, specifically, had a personal axe to grind and lost her objectivity. She eventually went her own way with a host of flying monkeys and began meddling in the case itself, and I was vocal about both my observations and objections. At that point Ortega asked me to contribute to the podcast which I did for a time on a volunteer basis until I found out that he was not an actual investigator after which I cut ties. During my time on Ortega’s podcast Goddard and her minions who claimed to be members of Anonymous came after me and it was pathetic to be generous. As a body, they functioned more as Keystone Cops than as some nefarious collective and to this day I have serious doubts that any of the players involved were actual members of Anonymous. Considering the nature of the authentic collective, it would be virtually impossible to verify membership, as it were, which is the point and that little morsel of reality seemed to fly over Goddard and company’s collective heads. From what I understand, the authentic Anonymous as a collective is plagued with wannabes who are intent on riding on their coattails and I would assume that the collective is none too happy about that. I put Goddard and her crew to whatever extent they currently exist in the category of wannabe. There is no proof one way or the other regarding her involvement with Anonymous and I think that’s why she and her… whatever you want to call them, conveniently chose to hide behind an entity which essentially cannot be verified.

        As far as her connection to snuff films is concerned, I know nothing about that and will say outright that I highly doubt it simply because – in my experience of her – she isn’t intelligent enough to participate and get away with it. Not in the short term and certainly not in the long. I could be wrong about that. I don’t think that I am. I will also state emphatically that I am against the public going after pedophiles, trafficking rings, and other organized entities outside of law enforcement involvement specifically because they tend to screwup investigations rather than aid them which allows perpetrators to evade justice and move further underground. Good intentions aside, I have seen too many cases blown to proverbial smithereens because of well-meaning-Joe/Jane-citizen involvement that destroyed the possibility of ever being charged let alone going to trial. I understand the passion behind wanting to protect and vindicate the innocent, and see the perpetrators suffer the justice they so vehemently deserve. I do. I’ve been doing this for a very long time, and I understand the motivation behind it and the disappointment when predators get away with heinous crimes. Even so, outside of incontrovertible evidence submitted to a legal investigative body with the power to pursue and charge, I do not condone or participate in lone-wolf investigations done by persons not legally authorized to do so. That is in no way a statement about you either directly or indirectly. I am simply making it known where I stand as respects the law.

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